Sunday, September 22, 2024

Back to the Blog

 Good morning. I hope anyone who reads this is doing ok in their life.

It has been quite some time since I added anything to this blog. I had forgotten my login credentials and also just fell away from thinking about sharing anything here. I think I would like to jump back in to doing some updates. Maybe get myself inspired to work on some fun projects too.

For anyone out there that drops by, welcome, hopefully there starts to be something interesting posted here to bring you back.

~ Jnet

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Off the Table: Player/Character Immersion at the table

I volunteered to join another group for a TTRPG discussion on the Off the Table live stream tonight. Tonight's topic was about player/character immersion at the gaming table. I really enjoyed the ideas that everyone shared tonight. If you get a chance give the episode a watch over on Twitch.

Off the Table: Player/Character Immersion

Look for @Off_theTable on Twitter.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Uncanny Adventures a TTRPG Live Stream

Over the last few months I have been preparing to run a live game of Dungeons & Dragons on my Twitch channel. I had been participating in a live game for a while and I really wanted to try putting my own game together.

Getting everything ready took a lot of time and I did a lot of research into how other people were streaming similar content. I created my own overlays, artwork and maps. I reached out to some players I had DM’d for in the past and invited them to play. 

I was very nervous going into our first broadcast, and even though it wasn’t perfect, I am still very happy with what we accomplished. So, here is a link to our first session.

Looking forward to learning more and having fun gaming.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

PC Death in TTRPG’s

I had the opportunity to join a live stream conversation about PC Death in table top games. We answered questions from the gaming community and shared some of our experiences from various games we have DM’d over the years.

Find everyone involved over on Twitter


Hosted by: @justasummerjob


Monday, November 6, 2017

We Be Goblins Session001

DM'd a one shot session of Paizo's "We Be Goblins" adventure earlier this year. I've been recording various game sessions for the last couple years, but only recently made the time to start trying out editing. I've been practicing with Audacity and that's what I used to edit this file. I also added some background sounds from Syrinscape. I recently subscribed and I've been using their audio to add to our game sessions.

WeBeGoblins Session001

I'm not sure if the rest of the session will be one or two more files. Still working through them now.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Iron Gods: Hero Lab

I was back and forth on purchasing the file through Hero Lab that had all the pregenerated encounters for Iron Gods. However, as the date of our first session loomed ever closer I decided that any extra prep help would be a good investment. I have to say, I'm very happy I did pay the extra for this pack. Just browsing through it and already I have felt a little of the tension ease up as I now have one very large part of my prep work checked off my list.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Iron Gods: Prep

Less than a week until we start Iron Gods. Organizing my game bag since we will be playing at my friends. Have to be sure I bring all my stuff with me. Tomorrow I'll be working on some maps and handouts.


Back to the Blog

 Good morning. I hope anyone who reads this is doing ok in their life. It has been quite some time since I added anything to this blog. I ha...